Intel  80286

Technical Specification

Rare 80286 Sample!
Introduction date:
Addressable memory:
Address Bus:
Number of Transistors:

February 1, 1982
6 - 12 MHz
16 Bit microprocessor
16 Mega Byte
24 Bit
134000, 1,5 Micron

The 80286 was introduced by Intel on February 1, 1982. As the 80186/80188 CPUs were not really significant to personal computing, the 80286 was Intel's next step processor for micro computers
The 80286 was typically made in 3 package versions, each with 68 contacts: a PGA-, CLCC- and a PLCC-package


Intel Sample, Not for Sale, 8 A80286 A80286-6
Malaysia, 8516, Sample Malaysia, 8517 Malaysia, 8639
A80286-8 A80286-10 A80286-10
Malaysia White Printing Malaysia
A80286-10 A80286-12 CG80286-6C
Malaysia, S54086 Malaysia Malaysia
CG80286-8 CG80286-8C CG80286-8E
Malaysia, 8703 Malaysia, 8510 Malaysia, 8550
C80286-4 C80286-6 R80286-6
Malaysia, 8347 Malaysia, 8434 Malaysia, 8449
R80286-8 R80286-8 (c) 82 R80286-8 (c) 82,85
Malaysia, SX123 Malaysia, 8702 Malaysia
R80286-10 R80286-12 N80286-10
Malaysia, 8709 Malaysia , CS Malaysia, SX004
N80286-10 N80286-10 N80286-12
Malaysia, SX109 Malaysia Malaysia

More Info and Pictures Intel 80286

Intel 80286 Architecture

Intel 80286 Core

80286 Pin Out
